Vasa customers are the best! #VasaAthletes We receive fantastic success stories and product reviews each week, and we’d like to share some in this blog article.
Here is a question-and-answer submission from Michelle & Robert Hopson – husband and wife triathletes from Texas who long-time #VasaCoach Tim Crowley has been coaching to achieve great success.

Q: How has your Vasa training machine helped you accomplish your goals?
Michelle Hopson:
“We added the Vasa SwimErg to our home gym just before the Covid shutdown, and it proved to be one of the best decisions we’ve made! When we travel a minimum of 30 minutes to get to a lap pool in our area, having the option of doing the SwimErg at home has become a non-negotiable! We get a great targeted workout in a short amount of time without the travel time to the pool.”
Robert Hopson:
“I am a “late to the game” swimmer who started Triathlon late. My self-taught swimming, at best, got me by but required a huge effort with mostly average/poor results. Using the Vasa, my coach Tim Crowley, thru the data, has tailored workouts to help me work on my stroke and endurance. I firmly believe, by focusing on the right items, my Vasa has been a main key for me to reduce my effort, still improve my times, and improve my overall confidence.”
Q: Which specific training resources or videos have been useful?
“Our triathlon, Coach Tim Crowley, programs, specific Vasa workouts for us in our training peaks. We also watch all the videos that he produces, as well as those on the Vasa website for tips and ideas on other ways to use the Vasa than just straight freestyle swimming.”
“My coach (Tim Crowley) has sent me dozens of videos from Vasa, many featuring him!, and I find they all have parts to help me improve my Vasa form and understand the mechanics of the stroke. I especially like when they relate how Vasa work translates to pool work.”
Q: Did you have any unexpected breakthroughs, inspiration, or successes that resulted due to training with your Vasa SwimErg?
“Using the SwimErg has definitely helped me target my muscle groups that are responsible for the acceleration at the back end of my stroke. As an adult onset swimmer, my form is pretty rough, but I am gaining the strength to improve my times through using the Vasa. Also, our Vasa gets used by our whole family! Our daughter is also a triathlete!”
“I have told anyone that would listen that getting the Vasa prior to COVID shutting down all the pools was the best TRI purchase I ever made. Work/Life often interfere with training and what can easily be a 2-3 hour pool session (with travel and shower) has to get skipped. Thankfully, a 20-30 min Vasa workout can be worked in a busy schedule, and I don’t feel like I’m missing out on getting the work in.”
Check out these fantastic recent Product Reviews!
Vasa SwimErg product reviews:
Jan Frodeno – Olympic & World Champion professional triathlete
“An incredible tool that’s helped me address technique faults I’ve had for years by enabling me to isolate movements. So good!”
Joe Maloy, 2016 US Olympic Triathlete
“The SwimErg has helped make my swim training more targeted and time-efficient. As a triathlete, I’m already time-crunched with 2 other sports and a job and family. The Vasa SwimErg allows me to work speed, strength, and technique from the (relative!) comfort of my home.”

Brian Folts
“I got my Vasa during COVID when pools were shut down. I swam 1500m a day on it. Once pools opened back up I discovered I had improved in the water! I now continue to use the machine to build strength and during days when I may be too sore to use my legs in the pool. This machine has made me a better swimmer! I hate getting in the water now and prefer to train on my Vasa.”
“I am a 62-year-old male that uses the Vasa to maintain surf fitness. In 15 mins, 3X a week, I can maintain a baseline level of explosive paddle functionality that allows me to avoid being a total kook every time I go back in the water. At my age, you need every advantage (and liter of volume) if you hope to keep catching waves. It’s the older surfers’ cheat code.”

…Click here to read more customer reviews of the Vasa SwimErg
Vasa Trainer Pro product reviews:
Joel Manaligod
“I have had the Vasa trainer for more than 10 years and still use it regularly. I use to keep in shape for surfing.”
Mike Bennett
“User for nearly 2 decades, Almost do NOT want to give this review as it could help all of my competitors. As an ex-swimmer, this machine takes all of the hassles away about going to the pool. 15 minutes for real work on the Vasa = an hour in the pool…if you are a 50+ y.o. male triathlete, please do not buy.”
Anna S.
“I bought the Vasa Trainer to supplement my workouts when I couldn’t make it to the pool or gym. I have seen marked improvement in my swim endurance and I love that there are workouts included with the trainer. My husband is not a swimmer but has started using the Vasa for strength training. Highly recommend this product.”

Frank Phillips
“I am a US Masters swimmer (USMS) of approximately 40 years and have used my Vasa Trainer for probably twenty+ years while aging from 60 to 80. As a potter of 45 years plus doing a swimming workout three times per week of 2500 yards swimming and adding the equivalent of 1000 yards of vasa pulling three times per week, I have avoided shoulder problems the entire time. It sure has worked for me. It is outside and uncovered year round, and the service is terrific.”
…Click here to read product reviews of the Vasa Trainer Pro