Breathing: Focus upon breathing out, your body will fill your lungs back up again naturally.
Positioning: Every race is different; however you can draft so use people’s feet to save energy.
Dealing with unwanted contact: Relax. Most people are in the same boat. Don’t be aggressive back, try to find clear water.
Sighting: In swimming pool sessions, site objects ahead and to the side whilst still trying to breathe efficiently.
Drafting: Buddy up and get used to swimming just to the side of other people’s feet, so you can maintain your preferred side for breathing.
Joe Beer is one of the UK’s leading multi-sport coaches with a breath and depth of experience covering endurance training, sports nutrition and advanced sports technology. Joe is a five time Ironman including the legendary Hawaii Ironman World Championship. Thirty multi-sport seasons and counting, he continues to race multi-sport events and time trials.
Joe has worked with leading athletes, such as legendary champion cyclist Graeme Obree, the UK’s first Ironman winner Matt Belfield, Scottish Ironman record holder (8h 17mins) & Ironman Wales winner – Scott Neyedli and Outlaw iron-distance winner 2013 Vicky Gill. Joe works with elite triathletes to first time Ironman wannabes, leading time triallists to club riders. He has written over 1,000 articles in magazines including 220 Triathlon, Cycling Plus, and Runners World. His first Triathlon book was published by Harper Collins in 2008.