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Power Meters

Power Meter: General Questions

Why is a Power Meter valuable?

The Vasa Power Meter will provide you with valuable data to help assess your performance. It allows you to focus on your technique instead of which lap you’re on!

Watch video: “Improve Swimming Using the Vasa Power Meter” to learn more.

What performance metrics does the Power Meter provide?

The Vasa Ergometer’s patented Power Meter provides accurate measurement of time, distance, pace, stroke rate, and right / left watts. It allows for repeatable performance testing and training. This ensures that measurements taken over time and on different Vasa Ergometers will be accurate and comparable. There is a SWIM mode and KAYAK mode which will display pace/distance relevant to each sport.

The Power Meter displays the following performance measures:

  • Time: Tracks elapsed time of your workout.
  • Meters: The number of meters accumulated since beginning the workout.
  • Average Watts: The average power output in watts since beginning the workout.
  • Right and left arm power: The average power applied per stroke (watts).
  • Pace/100M: The average speed per 100 meters.
  • Stroke Rate (SPM): Stroke rate or tempo in Strokes per Minute (SPM).
  • Peak Force: Additional display option.
  • Watts: The average amount of power exerted. The larger the number, the more power you’re generating.
  • Calories: The accumulated calories expended during the workout.

If I buy an Ergometer without a Power Meter, how do I add one later?

You can purchase the Electronics Upgrade Kit, which will allow your Vasa Ergometer to display reliable data on the Power Meter. The upgrade will require you to convert a few internal components within the front end assembly in order to connect the Power Meter. Installation is relatively simple and can be done at any time. Please contact us with any questions.

Wireless Power Meter with ANT+ only transmitter

What is ANT+?

ANT+ is a communication protocol that allows certain wireless devices to transmit information to, and from, each other. Simply put, it’s the “language” that ANT+ devices use to communicate with each other.  The ANT+ feature of the Vasa Power Meter allows it to transmit its data in real time to an ANT+ receiver utilizing the ANT+ bike power profile.

From there, the data can be transferred to training software to be stored, reviewed, analyzed, manipulated, and shared.  Many of your favorite cycling and fitness devices use this protocol and various software that supports these devices can utilize the data transmitted from the Vasa ANT+ Power Meter.

How will the Vasa ANT+ Power Meter benefit my swim training & swimming proficiency?

The data displayed on both our standard Power Meter and the wireless ANT+ Power Meter can benefit your swimming in many ways.  Since it is not a simple matter to measure Right & Left arm power balance in the pool, observing this metric while training on the Vasa Swim Erg can illuminate imbalances in your stroke.  Then either you or your coach can make corrections on the fly or by doing corrective exercises for improved strength, mobility and endurance.

Where the ANT+ Power Meter outshines our standard Power Meter is in conjunction with receiving software (Training Peaks, TrainerRoad, Wahoo Fitness, Garmin Connect), whereby you can view data in graphic form in real time, log data, and analyze that data later.  For example, it allows recording of data from regular benchmark tests or your favorite interval sessions so you can objectively view the results after your workouts.  Your coach will love being able to prescribe test sets, analyze your results and make recommendations all online.

Do I need to buy an additional device or hardware to use the Vasa ANT+ Power Meter?

The Vasa ANT+ Power Meter may be used without any additional hardware or software for real-time data display and summary interval information.  However, for logging and analysis features, additional hardware and/or software is needed.  There are generally two approaches to fully utilize data logging & analysis with the ANT+ Power Meter:

1. RECEIVE DATA WITH SOFTWARE (i.e. TrainerRoad or Wahoo Fitness)?
– Use a computer or iOS device
– Software provides real-time data display with a variety of screen viewing options?.
NOTE: Each software provider has their own hardware requirements that may include the use of a ANT+ USD2 stick or ANT+ Wahoo Fitness Key.

– Use an ANT+ Receiver that is equipped to receive bike power metrics (i.e. select Multisport GPS watch or cycling computers)?.

Can I just use the Vasa ANT+ Power Meter by itself?

Yes, the Vasa ANT+ Power Meter may be used without any additional hardware or software for real-time data display and summary interval information displayed on the LCD screen.

Why must I use bike mode rather than swim mode on my multisport watch?

The Vasa ANT+ Power Meter is utilizing the ANT+ bike power profile to capture & isolate the left and right power. At this time, swimming profile that captures L & R power has not been developed by receiving software.

What data is collected?

Both the Vasa Power Meter and the Vasa ANT+ Power Meter measure: time, distance, pace, stroke rate, average watts, left & right power balance, and applied force.  The ANT+ Power Meter will add the ability to transmit this same data to select ANT+ receivers and software applications to build custom workouts, analysis, review and share your data.

How do I use the Right & Left Power Balance data to improve my swimming?

Both our standard Power Meter and the wireless ANT+ Power Meter measure Right & Left arm power balance.  The ANT+ Power meter allows you to record and analyze that date.  Precisely recording and observing this metric in the pool is not a simple matter.  Observing R / L Power Balance while training on the Vasa Swim Erg is reliable and repeatable.  It illuminates imbalances in your stroke, which is especially valuable to note once fatigue begins to set in during a time trial or hard interval set.

This data can be especially powerful when coupled with a coach’s keen observation in real time, or by video recording your workout for analyses later.  This can reveal many things to the trained eye, including lack of core control, improper breathing, limited range of motion, old injuries, etc.  Then corrective exercises for improved strength, mobility and endurance can be used to progressively make improvements that will apply on the Swim Erg and in the water.

How do I get started with the Vasa ANT+ Power Meter?

When you purchase a Vasa ANT+ Power Meter or Vasa ANT+ Swim Erg, we will provide you with a Vasa ANT+ Quick Start Guide.  This includes simple steps to pair your device to a Receiver or connect to Software. [Watch video: How to pair device]

How do I pair the Vasa ANT+ Power Meter a Garmin 920XT, adjust the wheel circumference, and save a bike profile?

Watch this short video to demonstrate the steps to pair the Vasa ANT+ Power Meter to a Garmin 920XT or similar receiving device.  Video includes:

  • pairing with a Garmin 920XT
  • adjusting the wheel circumference
  • Saving a custom “bike” profile

What are the compatible receiving devices & software?

The Vasa ANT+ Power Meter is designed to communicate with other ANT+ Receiving Devices that utilize the ANT+ Bike Power Profile.  Some popular examples include:

Devices (Bike Power Head Units or Multisport watches)

 – Garmin ForeRunner 910XT
– Garmin Edge 800, 500, etc.

Software for Real-Time Data Display

– TrainerRoad (desktop and iOS versions)
– Wahoo Fitness (iOS)

Software for Analysis

– Training Peaks

PLEASE NOTE: Each device/software provider has their own hardware requirements that may include the use of a ANT+ USB2 stick or ANT+ Wahoo Fitness Key. 

For a full list of ANT+ compatible bike power receiving devices/software, go to:

How do I know which receiving software or device to use?

There is a variety of Software Applications and Devices that receive ANT+ bike power data that can be used with the new Vasa ANT+ Power Meter.  Consider these factors when making your selection:

– features & benefits (see below)
– ease of use
– interaction with other athletes and coaches
– existing equipment / tools you may already own & use



Single step: Vasa ANT+ Power Meter connects directly to a computer (with ANT= USB2 stick) or iOS device (with ANT+ Wahoo Key)
Account Required:  Yes (free trial available)

Benefits & Features:

  • Real-time data readings
  • Focused workouts
  • Training plans for certified coaches
  • Personal career tracking
  • Tailored workouts, scaled to fitness level
  • Team environment to train and compete
  • Downloadable files for analyzing metrics with other software programs (i.e. Training Peaks, etc.)

Wahoo Fitness

Single step: Vasa ANT+ Power Meter connects directly to an iOS device (ANT+ Wahoo Key required)
Account Required:  Free app

Benefits & Features:

  • Real-time data readings
  • Wide variety of workout screens – including bar graph showing Left & Right power balance
  • Downloadable files for analyzing metrics with other software programs (i.e. Training Peaks, etc.)

Training Peaks

Double step: Vasa ANT+ Power Meter connects to ANT+ receiver/device, then exported from receiver/device to Training Peaks.
Account Required:  Yes (free trial available)

Benefits & Features:

  • Log workouts
  • Analyze metrics
  • Measure progress with scientific tools & graphs
  • Comprehensive training plans designed by Coaches (nutrition, schedule, workouts)
  • Access via mobil or desktop
  • Download files from other software for analyzing, sharing, tracking information

 Garmin Connect

Double step: Vasa ANT+ Power Meter connects to ANT+ receiver/device, then exported from receiver/device to Garmin Connect.
Account Required:  Included with Garmin device purchase

Benefits & Features:

  • Pairs with Garmin devices for analyzing, sharing, tracking information
  • Log workouts
  • Analyze metrics
  • Measure progress with scientific tools & graphs
  • Multiple level training plans
  • Access via mobil or desktop

ANT+ Power Meter: Workouts

Can I do custom programmed workouts?

Here are some ways to enjoy structured workouts on the Vasa Swim Ergometer with Vasa ANT+ Power Meter:

  • Build custom workouts with intervals by time or distance with power or stroke rate goals;
  • Join the “Vasa Team” at TrainerRoad for workouts specifically designed for the Vasa Swim Ergometer;
  • Use TrainerRoad desktop application “Create Custom Workout”;
  • Use Garmin Connect “Workout Creator”.

What does a Swim Erg workout look like in Training Peaks, Garmin Connect, or TrainerRoad?

Here is a sample of ANT+ workouts as displayed in Training Peaks, Garmin Connect and TrainerRoad.

ANT+ Power Meter Troubleshooting

How do I pair my Vasa ANT+ to device/software?

Here is our Quick Start Guide to get started.  Specifics on TrainerRoad or Training Peaks are found here.

Why is the distance on the Vasa ANT+ Power Meter LCD and the receiving Device different?

Since the Vasa ANT+ Power Meter uses the ANT+ bike power profile to export the data, it is essential you set the wheel circumference to 100mm within the receiving device.  Each software/device is slightly different, but the bike wheel settings can typically be found in the preferences, maintenance or settings area.

TIP:  Designate one of the “Bike Profiles” as your Swim Erg so you only need to set the wheel circumference once.

How do I set the wheel circumference on the Garmin 920XT to calculate proper distance from the Vasa ANT+ Power Meter?

Your Garmin will think the SwimErg is a “bike” as our technology interfaces using ANT+ Bike Power Profile.  Therefore it’s essential to set the proper wheel circumference.  Here are the steps to manually enter your wheel size on a Garmin 920XT:

  1. Press Shortcut (three dots on bottom left)
  2. Press ENTER to unlock screen
  3. Press Shortcut
  4. Select Settings
  5. Select Sensors and Accessories
  6. Select “Add” and choose “PWR” 
  7. Once it pairs (note: you may need to turn Vasa ANT+ on & move the flywheel by pulling the cord for it to pair), then scroll down to “Wheel Size” to set.
  8. Select Manual
  9. Enter 100mm as the size

NOTE: If you have different Garmin device, the steps may be similar.  Contact Garmin Support for specifics on your model.