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How to Integrate Hip Rotation Into Freestyle Swimming on the Vasa SwimErg

Does the lack of a rotating bench on a Vasa Trainer or Vasa Swim Ergometer limit your ability to learn proper freestyle body rotation in the water?

freestyle body rotation

A lot of swimmers have way too much rotation in their stroke. Rotation and roll are different. When you roll, you aren’t really lengthening your body, you are actually just twisting it. Too much roll will make you twist and turn and lose forward momentum in the water. Rotation comes from your hips and core, and a shift in your shoulder. It’s more of an extension or a reach. When you are on the Vasa Trainer or Vasa SwimErg, you are keeping a flat scapular plane, and shifting or rotating forward with your arms. You can get that desired rotation from the hips and core, without adding too much shoulder roll. This will help you activate the right muscles for the maximum range of motion and power in your stroke.

Better Freestyle Body Rotation

But Wait.. There’s More!

For more great training exercises, tips, and more check out the Training Resources section on the Vasa website and Vasa YouTube channel.